Perfect way to bookend our move to Barcelona... where it all started... in Ireland. I can't believe how young (we both) were when we arrived in 2015.
We'll spend about a month here and then head back to the states (Dublin to Stewart NY direct - it's a steal on Norwegian Airlines).
If you want to really experience County Mayo, I'd recommend carving out a few weeks to go with the ebb and flow. It will rain, it will be cold, it will be sunny, it will be clear, the air will be crisp, it will be warm, it will be foggy, it will be raging windy. You just can't rush things here. You can't hold out for that "perfect" day - you have to know they are all perfect. (and be sure to have your wellies!)
P.S. We unfortunately discovered a whale that had been washed to shore while we were hiking along the flysch one morning. It was so sad to see. I'd never been that close to a whale before - the sheer size was breathtaking. We found this amazing charity Irish Whalen and Dolphin Group so we could report the stranding. Established in 1990, the volunteers advocate and care for these beautiful animals. You can go to their site and see reported sightings. Watching for whales on the horizon can soak up a whole afternoon :)